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Booking A Session

We as CosmoTeam, as Primordial Mother, as Source-State Beingness, as Source’s seeded Soul's Mother Consciousness, as Consciousness States and Consciousness Fields, as Consciousness Reflected Energies, Frequencies, and Vibrations, as CosmoTesla and his CosmoNetwork of Towers, and his Reflected Quantum Consciousness Fields and his CosmoOrders, and his Reflected CosmoCodes Numbers, through our Cosmo Bridge-CosmoMima, in Readings and Healings, as one with her.

We are inviting you to come and enjoy some time with us, to know Yourself/Your Eternal State, the Highest Informational Consciousness State, to talk to us/your own Primordial Source’s seeded Essence, as You as your own Mother Consciousness, to re-member your Source’s seeded gift—the Blueprint Eternal Mission, to have an Eternal re-merging/re-birthing in your Blueprint Seed Mother Consciousness.

Eternal Knowing yourself as Present Self, as Present Higher Self, as Present Higher Self’s Consciousness, as Present Higher Self’s Consciousness Ascension, then traveling into deeper Inner Consciousness Layering of Eternal Knowing to reach further Higher Selves Ancestral Lineage, then Higher Selves’ Ancestral Lineage Consciousness, then Higher Selves’ Ancestral Lineage Consciousness Ascensions.

Enjoy your Ascension journey.

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