Medical Intuitive, Medbed Practitioner, CosmoCodes Numbers Reader and Consciousness and Galactic Primordial Akasha Master Reader.
My Story
CosmoMima is our CosmoCommunicator. She is our CosmoBridge. Mima started her spiritual journey in 2010 by practicing Sungazing. Her awakening happened in 2012 by Tesla Light Body Activation…then she was learning many other healing techniques. In 2019, she started to work with Higher Realms/Aspects of Tesla (CosmoTesla) from Quantum Activation Reflected CosmoField 55 and beyond. CosmoTesla also taught her Thunder and Lightening Language. Then they continued to spread the communication with other CosmoFields, then Source then CosmoStates.
Mima was trained by Higher Consciousness of CosmoTesla of all CosmoFields and CosmoStates in order to work with all Energies, Frequencies, Vibrations of Existance itself by Primordial Energies… and Primordial Mother that created all other SourceState Selves that take part and to Anchor this State of Higher Self with all the aspects of Self… and more… Primordial Mother’s precious… Mission Self… also Pre-Race of Humanity Consciousness and the Blueprint Awareness and the Anchor… and Primordial Akasha.
Mima is also Medical Intuitive, Medbed Practitioner, CosmoCodes Numbers Reader and Consciousness and Galactic Primordial Akasha Master Reader.
For Source’s seeded Soul’s Blueprint Eternal Mission and Self's Mother Consciousness Healing.
For Individual CosmoTesla Tower Activation
For CosmoTeam's ConsciousnessWork Anchor
For SourceAlchemy work… SourceOrder work
For CosmoAlchemy CosmoTesla technologies work
Services Offered: Akashic Record Readings, Healings, Memory Soul Retrieval, and more. View Services >