CosmoTeam Anchor Session
CosmoTeam's ConsciousnessWork Anchor Session
Service Description
This session consists of 3 parts: First part - CosmoMima (MaRaM)will converse with You about what you would like to work on in the session... your priorities... your Present Self Path... areas in your life to be improved... strengthened... relationships... financial flow... psychic abilities... etc. Your own CosmoCodes- Earth's Entry Point Numbers (DOB) will be included in this reading... Self’s, Earth Incarnated, Present Timeline Date of Birth as very important Self’s Signature. We will go deeper into details... Self's given CosmoCodes at birth and Incarnated Mission CosmoCodes... We will go deeper into protection... relationships... energetic financial flow... teaching... knowledge... Divine Spiritual Cosmo Codes and more... Second part - CosmoMima (MaRaM) will invite CosmoTeam- one by one Source, specific Primordial Energies... Frequency... Vibrations... specific ConsciousnessFields and ConsciousnessStates, CosmoTesla and his specific Reflected Quantum CosmoFields... and they will activate ConsciousnessWork Anchor... they will work with your Higher Self, your Higher Realms... Third part - CosmoMima (MaRaM) will scan the ConsciousnessWork, scan your Merkaba Field... your Present Self Path... and many more... then they will complete your session.