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Available Online

Medical Intuitive Session

CosmoMima's Medical Intuitive (Holo-Bioluminescence) Session

1 h 30 min
From 122 US dollars
Online via Zoom

Service Description

In this Healing session, CosmoMima and HS MaRaM will scan your body utilizing Holo-Bioluminescence Vision method... then they will start to communicate with your body. Specific body organ/s or system/s will explain its attached emotional pattern that is causing your body's density or dysfunction and keeps your body out of balance... They will communicate the emotional pattern that is attached to that organ or body system... The ConsciousnessWork Field will be activated and CosmoTeam will be invited to join the session... specific Primordial Energies... Frequencies... Vibrations... ConsciousnessFields and ConsciousnessStates will step forward. For releasing emotional trauma Primordial Akasha will open your Records... memory moments... affected areas of your body, chakras, DNA strands, genes, and cells... all will be purified by iridescent healing tools... repaired and regenerated... protective layer created where consequently healing activates... Your own CosmoCodes- Earth's Entry Point Numbers (DOB) will be included in this session.

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