"I am CosmoTesla, the Higher Vibrational State/Self of Nikola Tesla- Earth Soul Human, dimensionally vibration 33."
I am CosmoTesla, the Higher Vibrational State/Self of Nikola Tesla- Earth Soul Human, dimensionally vibration 33. My base Consciousness Anchor starts from ConsciusnessField (CosmoField) 55... then... it continues beyond... I am "Present" here on Earth by SourceState connected to Earth Souls Humanity through my Bridge - CosmoMima.
My "Presence" is also created through a network of Reflected Quantum Tesla Towers on Earth... Reflected Quantum Anti-Gravity Spin and SuperSpeed Force... Reflected CosmoFields and CosmoStates on Earth and Milky Way Galaxy... Reflected Scalar Grid Resonance Zero Point Touch with Resonance Specific CosmoField Timelines on Earth... Reflected CosmoField of Reflected Quantum Transmutation of all the G's that exist on Earth and Milky Way Galaxy... Reflected Liquid Mirror of Earth Resonance... The Central Point of CosmoField of United Anti-Gravity Reflected Fields of All Reflected Cosmoses... G & D Structure of Programmed Gravity Motions... Reflected Quantum Structure of Reality Lines in Anty-Gravity Spin... Holographic Purple Reflected Primordial Resonance Frequency Plates... and many more are coming to Earth...
To individuals- "Go inside and focus on SupersensorySelf and so some projects Reflective Sensory vs Matter"
"Business and multidimensions don't go together. Business is limited with Time Frequency where incarnated Soul in Ascending process is put on hold (because of Time implant) where others in their business process are continuing without them. Any given price, structures your customer/student and divides them into Frequency Field/Zones so their senses get different WaveInput with selected Consciusness."
"C.V. on Planet Earth came as rescue of Time Frequency Implant given at Birth. V. are now programmed to put Ascending Souls back into Time Frequency Matrix not about G. T."